what is body contouring?
Due to age, genetics, significant weight loss, and other factors like hormones, pregnancy, and childbirth, your skin may lack the elasticity to conform to your current body shape. As a result, skin that has been severely stretched is now unsupported and hangs on the body. This may include upper arms that sag and appear loose and full (commonly known as "bat wings"); breasts that flatten and hang with nipples pointed downward; a stomach that extends around the sides and into the lower back area, resulting in an apron-like overhang; as well as sagging of the butt, groin, and thighs that causes hanging pockets of skin. In addition to being unattractive, this loose skin can be a medical problem as the loose skin folds can trap bacteria that causes skin conditions. Surgical body contouring by board-certified Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Rafi Bidros, improves the shape and tone of your underlying tissue and muscle by removing excess fat and sagging skin. The result is a slimmer appearance of the body with smoother contours and taut skin.
What are the Benefits of Body Contouring?
Loose or hanging skin causes discomfort and may even lead to complications like skin infections. In addition, skin folds are emotionally distressing, affecting your self-confidence and quality of life. Dr. Bidros understands the importance of removing excess tissue not just for aesthetic reasons but also to improve your overall wellbeing. Patients choose our office for body contouring because we perform cutting-edge surgical techniques for the most natural-looking results possible.
Am I A Candidate For Body Contouring?
Body contouring may help if you have loose skin, droopy body parts (such as the breasts or buttocks), or stubborn fat that is not responsive to diet and exercise. The hips, flanks, neck, abdomen, and lower back are all areas where fat can collect, creating unwanted bulges. Good candidates for body contouring are Houston, TX area women and men who maintain a healthy weight and desire a tighter, more sculpted look.
how is body contouring performed?
All body contouring procedures require incisions to remove excess skin. In many cases, these incisions may be extensive. Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as personal preference and Dr. Rafi Bidros’ surgical judgment, but they will typically be placed in areas of the body that are easily concealed or blended.
- Body Lift
A body lift addresses multiple areas of excess skin in the body during one procedure. In some cases, the procedure will be split into an upper and lower body lift for patient safety. Some patients may also have a lower-only or upper-only body lift based on their needs and cosmetic goals. Incision patterns vary, and may include a circumferential incision around the body to remove the “belt” of excess skin and fat.
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
The incision patterns for lifting sagging breasts will be determined based on the amount of excess skin to be removed. These typically includes one or a combination of incisions in a circular pattern around the areola, in a line extending from the areola to the breast crease, or horizontally along the breast crease. Dr. Bidros may recommend a breast implant to add volume and shape to your breasts.
- Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
Sagging skin in the upper arms is removed through an incision in the underarm area and extending along the inside or back of the upper arm. Additional incisions on the arms may be necessary anywhere excess skin has formed sagging pockets.
- Thigh Lift (Thighplasty)
Reshaping of the thighs is done through incisions in the groin that can extend downward to the knee along the inner portion of the thigh. Improving contours of the outer thigh may require an incision extending from the groin around the hip.
- Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Sagging skin of the abdomen will be tightened by making an incision across the abdomen, slightly above the pubic area. Dr. Bidros may also create a new belly button by making an incision around the current belly button. The abdominal muscles will be tightened during this same procedure.
how long is recovery from body contouring?
A body lift is generally performed with the patient under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility as an outpatient procedure. After the body contouring procedure is completed, the incisions will be closed, cleaned, and bandaged. A catheter may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect. Dr. Bidros will give each patient specific post-operative care instruction, including medications and follow up appointments, before they are discharged to recover at home.
Refresh Your Shape
Whether you want perkier breasts, a fuller bottom, a slimmer waist, or a tighter tummy, body contouring at MyBodyMD can help you achieve the shape you desire. Call our Houston, TX facility to schedule a consultation. We can determine your aesthetic goals and create a custom plan just for you. Our team looks forward to helping you.

Body Contouring FAQ
Best Candidates?
The best candidates for a body lift will be at a healthy, stable weight before their surgery and committed to maintaining their results after the surgery with healthy habits, including a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Patients should talk to Dr. Bidros during their consultation about realistic results and their medical history.
Possible Procedures?
A body lift may include several procedures, depending on the patient's needs and goals, which will be discussed with Dr. Bidros during the initial consultation. A body lift treatment plan may include a lower body lift, an upper body lift, a breast lift, an arm lift, a thigh lift, a tummy tuck, and anything else that the patient and Dr. Bidros decide is appropriate.
Staging Surgeries?
If the patient is having several areas corrected during their body lift treatment, Dr. Bidros may decide to separate the body lift into two or more surgeries for greater patient safety and a more comfortable recovery. Body contouring is typically divided into an upper body lift and a lower body lift, but each treatment plan will be carefully customized by Dr. Bidros to get the patient's best results.
A body lift surgery will require incisions, which will leave surgical scars. Dr. Bidros does his best to place incisions in areas that are less visible or can blend into the skin easily, but patients will need to follow scar care management instructions after their surgery to help the scars heal properly. With the correct care, the scars will heal smoothly and fade into the natural skin.