Rafi Bidros, MD

929 Gessner Road Ste. 2250, Houston, TX 77024

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Treatment) in Houston, TX

37 Procedures ( View All )

what is gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia, or Male Breast enlargment, is a common condition that can affect men of all ages.  Male breast development,  or the colloquial term  "man boobs" can be the result of hormonal changes or imbalance, heredity conditions, disease, or the use of certain drugs. Gynecomastia can cause significant emotional distress, sometimes physical pain, and decreased  self confidence.  Some men may even avoid certain physical activities or clothing, and it can affect intimacy.  

Gynecomastia is idiopathic, or unknown cause, in the majority of the cases.  If you've had this condition since puberty, it's likely that.  If you recently developed breast enlargement in one or both breasts, Dr. Bidros will first refer you to an endocrinologist to work up the cause of new development.  Sometimes, it's  a new drug or medication you started taking (associated drugs are listed below).

Gynecomastia can also develop with age or weight gain.  As we increase our adipose, or fatty tissue, circulating hormones are converted into estrogen causing an imbalance of our hormones and increased growth of the breast tissue or fat around our chest area.

The severity of gynecomastia is graded in 4 levels.  So the surgical treatment will differ accordingly.  Also, Dr. Bidros will take in consideration the size of nipple and areola, excess skin, density of the tissue, and overall appearance of the chest.  

Dr. Bidros is considered as one of the top Houston plastic surgeons that specialize in Gynecomastia treatment.  Dr. Bidros uses specialized minimally invasive technique that reduces scaring and speeds recovery.    Several years ago, he and KRBE radio personality Eric Rowe tried to shed light on this subject that can be embarrassing to some men.  They wanted to highlight how common this condition is and how easily it can be fixed.  

At his Houston office, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Rafi Bidros, helps men regain their confidence with male breast reduction surgery. In severe cases of gynecomastia, the weight of excess breast tissue may cause the breasts to sag and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). In these cases, the position and size of the areola can be surgically improved and excess skin may be reduced.  Dr Bidros will need to examine you and layout the best surgical plan.  In some occasions, this can be treated in the office under local anesthesia.   Schedule your consultation today.

What are the benefits of GYNECOMASTIA SURGERY?

For many men, gynecomastia, or excess breast tissue, could be frustrating and embarrassing. To treat this problem, male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia treatment) in Houston, TX at MyBodyMD could provide life-changing improvements with a number of great advantages that include:

  • Makes working out and physical activity more accessible
  • Gives you enhancements that are visible and long-lasting
  • Takes out extra fat tissue in the chest region
  • Uplifts self-image and confidence
  • Frees you from needing to wear a shirt at the pool or beach
  • Adds definition to the pec muscles
  • Recovery time is short
  • Redefines and contours the chest
  • Offers a slimmer, more chiseled appearance
  • Achieves a stronger, manlier vibe

am i a Candidate For Gynecomastia Surgery?

Male breast reduction treatment is a procedure for men who have enlarged breasts that cannot be reduced through medications or diet. If you feel bothered by the appearance of your chest (but are at a good weight), you may benefit from this surgery by Dr. Bidros at MyBodyMD. Adolescent teens may also benefit from gynecomastia treatment; however, a future procedure may be warranted later as an adult if new breast tissue continues to form. In your initial consultation with Dr. Bidros, treatment considerations will be given and may include the chances of undergoing surgery to repair the condition.

how is gynecomastia surgery performed?

Dr. Bidros has refined the minimally invasive technique for gynecomastia treatment.  This technique is used for the most common shapes of gynecomastia.  It involves Tumescent infusion, Tissue Seperation, and Stab Gland Resection.  Dr. Bidros uses a specialized cannula to achieve proper separation.  This technique reduces the potential concavity or "operated look"  Patients can enjoy taking off their shirt without notable scar visibility.  

Patients that have significant skin laxity or may require skin reduction.  This procedure will leave some scars that will fade with time.  Patients can enjoy wearing a T-shirt with confidence until scars fade.  

Excision may also be necessary if the areola will be reduced, or the nipple repositioned to a more natural male contour. Incision patterns vary depending on the specific conditions and surgical preference. Sometimes gynecomastia is treated with both liposuction and excision.

Dr. Bidros will also perform adjacent tissue lipo suction to shape the chest.  Additional options of Implant insertion or fat grafting is also available to shape the pectoral muscles.

how long is recovery after gynecomastia surgery?

Patients are typically more comfortable during general anesthesia for more extensive gynecomastia.  Limited resection can be performed under local anesthesia and oral sedation if indicated.

After surgery, dressings will be applied to your incisions over absorbable sutures.  Elastic bandage or support garment may be used to minimize swelling.  Drains are typically not necessary unless continuous resection of dense breast is performed which is much less common.   

Gynecomastia surgery is usually with very little pain.  Most patients only take narcotic pain medicine the first night as needed and wean off to tylenol or advil very quickly.  Since muscle is not involved in surgery, return to normal activity occurs rapidly.   Dr. Bidros does recommend wearing the compression garment or tight fitting under garment for 2-3 weeks.   

Although results are immediately visible.  Swelling takes some time to go down.  We typically obtain post op photos at 3 months when results are about 90% complete.  

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Average Cost  
$5,500 - $9,500
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Gynecomastia FAQ

what Causes gynecomastia?

As described above, the majority of gynecomastia cases have an unknown cause or are associated with increased adiposity or hormonal imbalance.  Medications can cause hormonal imbalance and/or directly associated with gynecomastia.  These medications may possibly have some association described in the medical literature but not confirmed by us.  Medications such as ketoconazole, cimetidine, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues, human growth hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin,  finasteride and dutasteride, estrogens and antiandrogens such as bicalutamide, flutamide.  Spironolactone, verapamil, amlodipine, and nifedipine; risperidone, anabolic steroids, alcohol, opioids, efavirenz, alkylating agents, and omeprazole.  There are also many herbal formulations as well as THC that are also associated with male breasts.  

does gynecomastia surgery leave Scars?

With this minimally invasive technique, scarring is limited and almost imperceptible once completely healed.  Hypertrophic scarring and keloids can occur in those patients with a high risk of scarring.  Special tape and scar treatment are utilized to reduce any possible scarring.

What if i have more recovery questions?

Once the surgery is scheduled, an in-depth pre-operative visit will take place to answer any specific questions, prescriptions given, photos obtained and go over the details so that you are ready for the day of the procedure

Discover male breast reduction surgery

Gynecomastia can cause a lot of embarrassment and low self-esteem for men. Fortunately, it is treatable through male breast reduction surgery. By understanding the benefits of this procedure, as well as who may be a candidate and what to expect during recovery, you can make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for your needs. Book a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rafi Bidros at MyBodyMD in Houston, TX and get the process started today.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.