Rafi Bidros, MD

929 Gessner Road Ste. 2250, Houston, TX 77024

Upper Arm Lift in Brachioplasty in Houston, TX

37 Procedures ( View All )

what is an upper arm lift?

"Bat wings" may be good for a superhero, but they don't look good on regular people. Excess skin hanging from the upper arms, creating what is commonly known as "bat wings," is typically a problem for women caused by aging, genetics, or significant weight loss. An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, removes loose, sagging skin from the upper arms and reshapes the contours of the arm for a firmer, more toned result. Dr. Rafi Bidros, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Houston, may include minor fat removal during arm lift surgery or create a surgical plan with an arm lift and liposuction to achieve the patient's best result. If you avoid wearing swimsuits or sleeveless clothes because of "bat wings," schedule a consultation with Dr. Bidros to learn more about your plastic surgery options, including an arm lift, to get the body you want and can be proud to show off.

What are the Benefits of an Upper Arm Lift?

Bat wings can make you feel self-conscious and keep you from enjoying activities like swimming or running outdoors. An arm lift can help you feel confident again by removing loose, excess skin and reshaping your upper arms for a toned look. Patients work with Dr. Bidros because he is an experienced plastic surgeon who knows how to create beautiful, natural-looking results. Our team is also committed to providing individualized care and ensuring that your experience is positive from start to finish.

Am I A Candidate For An Upper Arm Lift?

An upper arm lift is an aesthetic surgery employing innovative methods to slim and eliminate excess skin. If you avoid sleeveless clothes because of your flabby arms and would prefer them to appear healthy and fit again, you are a great candidate for an upper arm lift. You need to be in good overall health so that the skin will heal well. Some of the top concerns for potential arm lift patients are hanging, loose skin on the upper arms, and minimal tautness of the skin. It is important that you are at a healthy, stable weight before your procedure.

how is an upper arm lift performed?

The incisions for an arm lift vary based on the patient's goals and needs, but the most common incisions are made in the inner arm or the back of the arm for less visible scars. Dr. Bidros will keep incisions minimal for the best results, but more extensive cases may require incisions from the armpit to above the elbow. Once the incisions are made, Dr. Bidros will remove the excess skin and use liposuction on small pockets of fat. Dr. Bidros may also tighten the tissues and muscles of the underarm to get the best contour.

how long is recovery after an upper arm lift?

An arm lift is performed at an accredited surgical facility with the patient typically under general anesthesia. After the surgery is complete, Dr. Bidros will carefully close  and bandage all surgical incisions. Once the patient is awake and cleared to leave, they will be released to a responsible adult to begin their home recovery. Patients usually see some results immediately after their surgery, but most will not see their final results until the bruising and swelling are gone after 4 - 6 weeks.

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Average Cost  
$7,900 - $9,900
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upper Arm Lift FAQ

Does an arm lift include liposuction?

The ideal candidate for arm lift surgery will be in good health and while they have loose skin on their upper arm, they don't have a lot of excess fat. An arm lift can include a small amount of liposuction, but if the patient needs larger amounts of fat removed, a combination liposuction and arm lift will be a better procedure. Patients should have realistic expectations and be willing to follow all post-operative care and recovery instructions to ensure their best results.

will i have scars after my arm lift?

The ideal candidate for arm lift surgery will be in good health and while they have loose skin on their upper arm, they don't have a lot of excess fat. An arm lift can include a small amount of liposuction, but if the patient needs larger amounts of fat removed, a combination liposuction and arm lift will be a better procedure. Patients should have realistic expectations and be willing to follow all post-operative care and recovery instructions to ensure their best results.

are the results of an arm lift permanent?

The results of arm lift surgery are permanent, but natural aging will continue that can result in the skin beginning to become loose and saggy again. Weight fluctuations can also alter the results of an arm lift, but a touch-up procedure by Dr. Bidros may be able to restore the patient's original result.

what are some post-surgery tips?

Each patient will be given specific post-operative care instructions before they are released from the surgical center to recover at home. Patients will be taught how to keep their dressings and wounds clean, what medications can be taken for pain, and what symptoms should be reported immediately. Patients should also schedule all follow up appointments before leaving the center.

Tone Your Arms

Whatever you call your "bat wings" or droopy skin on your arms, Dr. Bidros can perform an upper arm lift to improve the way they look. This exciting procedure offers emotional and physical benefits as well. If you're at a healthy weight and still cannot lose the skin and flab that hang off your upper arms, please contact us to plan a private consultation at MyBodyMD in Houston, TX. Feel fitter and younger with an upper arm lift.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.