Rafi Bidros, MD

929 Gessner Road Ste. 2250, Houston, TX 77024

Healthier Skin with Secret RF

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Radiofrequency micro-needling also known as collagen induction therapy is a cosmetic procedure that has been used for decades to rejuvenate the skin. It uses fine needles or pins to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin. It is a minimally invasive treatment as compared to chemical peels and dermabrasion procedures, the RF micro needling procedure results an include improved firmness and texture, as well as skin resurfacing. 

The Secret RF at MyBodyMD Plastic Surgery, is a micro-needling technique that improves signs of fine lines, wrinkles and aging skin. The Secret RF system uses an applicator that emits radiofrequency energy by providing brief bursts of RF energy via a collection of sterile micro-needles. This popular treatment uses a handheld instrument with tiny needles attached to the end. The device is gently and carefully rolled across the skin to create tiny punctures, which make micro-injuries to the skin that "interrupt" the tissues and stimulate the production of collagen. In addition to the benefits seen with the micro-injury provided by the traditional microneedles, Secret RF micro-needling also delivers RF energy deep into the dermis further enhancing skin tightening and scar reduction.

RF micro needling is an excellent option for candidates who want to:

• Lessen the appearance of stretch marks

• Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

• Treat acne and the scars left by acne

• Reduce or eliminate enlarge pores

• Exfoliate our skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance

• Improve age spots and blackheads 

Secret RF micro-needling is a safe and effective treatment that can be performed during a quick session. The treatment is performed by using a numbing solution to reduce any discomfort. The secret RF system uses an applicator that emits radiofrequency energy by providing brief bursts of RF energy via a collection of sterile micro-needles. During your procedure, the handpiece will slide across the desired treatment areas, repeating the technique until the desired outcome has been reached.

All skin types will benefit from Secret RF's microneedles that deliver fractional radiofrequency (RF) energy to the deep layers of the skin. The downtime is minimal and patients receive 3 to 4 Secret RF treatments and noticeable changes appear as skin heals over a month after the treatment session. In order to achieve the desired results as suggested by Dr. Rafi Bidros our cosmetic plastic surgeon at MyBodyMD Plastic Surgery Houston, Texas. For more details please visit our website and schedule your consultation today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.