Rafi Bidros, MD

929 Gessner Road Ste. 2250, Houston, TX 77024

Mommy Makeover

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Mommy makeover is a cosmetic procedure that is used to restore the shape and appearance of a women’s body after their pregnancy. Women start to notice changes in their bodies post-pregnancy that can be addressed, most commonly the breasts, abdomen, as well as liposuction on the hips, thighs, buttocks, etc. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia that blends several fat removals, skin tightening, skin lifting, and other techniques to create a slimmer figure and a toned look. 

One of the most affected areas by pregnancy is the abdomen, the tummy tuck surgery also known as abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin and helps restore weekend or separated muscles creating an abdominal that is smoother and firmer. Breastfeeding mom often results in the lost volume and shape of the breasts. Dr. Bidros offers numerous options to reshape the breasts that include breast lift, breast augmentation, and breast reduction surgery that helps the breast achieve the desired volume and shape. Similarly, women who have had multiple pregnancies, or birthed more than one baby may experience excessive loose skin around their abdomen. The fat is collected at the abdomen, hips buttocks, flanks, and upper thighs. A lower body lift, also known as a beltecomy is a surgery performed to smoothen the appearance of loose skin, tighten and lift the hanging skin.

Mommy makeover surgery is a highly individualized procedure. Candidates who qualify for the procedure include,

• Improve the balance of breast and hip contours

• Increase fullness, roundness, and projection of your butt or buttocks

• Improve the balance of your figure

• Enhance your self-image and self-confidence

• You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen

• Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring

Dr. Bidros offers new moms the opportunity to reclaim their pre-pregnancy figures as pregnancy takes a toll on a women’s body. The surgery will be performed after examining the breasts, abdomen, genitalia, and/or buttocks and take measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, and skin thickness as every women’s body is unique and thus deserves a customized treatment plan to address the changes post-pregnancy. 

Mommy Makeover surgery will benefit women by only having a couple of procedures, while others may combine numerous surgeries to attain the results they desire. If you are an individual looking to get your pre-baby body back please visit our website and schedule your consultation or come visit us at MyBodyMD Plastic surgery located in Houston, Texas.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.