Rafi Bidros, MD

929 Gessner Road Ste. 2250, Houston, TX 77024

Mommy Makeover | Rafi S. Bidros, M.D. with MyBodyMD Plastic Surgery - Houston, TX

Mommy Makeover | Rafi S. Bidros, M.D. with MyBodyMD Plastic Surgery - Houston, TX


Dr. Rafi Bidros: My name is Dr. Rafi Bidros. I'm a board certified plastic surgeon practicing here in Houston and today, we're going to talk about mommy makeovers.

So mommy makeover is basically an abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, combined with some breast procedure. Either breast augmentation, breast lift, or a combination of augmentation and lift and liposuction with some body contour. It can be very tailored to the patient's needs, how quickly they need to recover. The key factor is that women have finished having their kids and now they want to have their body back to what they're used to before.

The reason those procedures are combined together is because the recovery really depends on the tone. Most of the time, abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is included and that's the part that takes a little longer to recover. Usually, we say three weeks. Some will bounce back as early as two weeks and get back to work and it depends on their job. If they're in a very physical job, about three to four to even six weeks depending on the physicality of the job. If they're going back to a desk job, they can return in as little as two weeks.